Poor Perfromanec of Visual Arts Studenst in Maths and Science Pdf

  • Buen Euleen V. Lainez Senior High School—Academy of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Russel Dustin R. Dolendo Senior Loftier School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Jamie Marie Reynielle D. Agonoy Senior Loftier Schoolhouse—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Rica Madeleine B. Bargo Senior High School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Ivhan Miles S. Yumang Senior Loftier School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Mary Angel Adelle B. Dizon Senior Loftier School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Zeth Bohemian Y. Chua Senior Loftier School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine
  • Juland D. Salayo Senior High School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Keywords: Arts and science,, Arts-based instructional approaches, Health centrolineal learning, Senior high school learning, Role and bear upon of arts, Arts, Wellness


The education system acknowledges the relevance and affect of arts in exploring students' different skills and competencies.  However, near of the learners remain bias on the purpose and essence of fine art-based activities since most of the strands offered in senior high school are academically designed through the K-12 plan, which guides and prepares incoming college students in choosing their career path.  Hence, this study attempted to decide the vital role of arts-based instructional approaches to enrich students' learning in i selected cosmic Senior High school in Manila, Philippines.  Applying a qualitative approach through intensive interviews, fifteen Health Centrolineal students participated in this study.  Results revealed that arts are highly integrated with the delivery of the different lessons of the involved strand.  Moreover, arts proved that they have solid and influential roles in improving students' quality of learning.  Furthermore, the touch and relevance of arts as an instructional approach supports the learning process of health centrolineal students. Thus, this research informs and guides the teachers and students on the importance and impact of art as an overlooked field in education that maximizes one's potentials.


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Author Biographies

Buen Euleen V. Lainez, Senior High Schoolhouse—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Buen Euleen V. Lainez is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas-Senior High Schoolhouse.  She is an incoming first-year Available of Science in Architecture student at the University of Santo Tomas-College of Architecture.  Having been affiliated with the Music, Arts, and Pattern (MAD) Track of the said university, she develops her enquiry involvement in the following: aesthetics, art education, compages and blueprint, civilization, psychology, and functioning studies.

Russel Dustin R. Dolendo, Senior High Schoolhouse—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Russel Dustin R. Dolendo is a graduate of the Academy of Santo Tomas-Senior High Schoolhouse under the Music, Arts, and Blueprint (MAD) Track. He is an incoming Bachelor of Fine Arts (Major in Industrial Design) student at the University of Santo Tomas-College of Fine Arts and Design.  His research interests include folklore, architecture, cultural studies, music theory, philosophy, arts, and industrial design.

Jamie Marie Reynielle D. Agonoy, Senior High School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Jamie Marie Reynielle D. Agonoy is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas-Senior High School under the Music, Arts, and Blueprint (MAD) Track.  She is currently enrolled at the Academy of Santo Tomas-Conservatory of Music with the degree, Bachelor of Music in Performance, Major in Voice. Beingness musically inclined, she has participated in numerous regional and national choral competitions and theatre performances both on and off phase. Her research interest includes visual and performance arts.

Rica Madeleine B. Bargo, Senior Loftier School—Academy of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Rica Madeleine B. Bargo is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas-Senior High Schoolhouse. Concerning her affiliation with Music, Arts, and Design (MAD) Rail, she will be taking Bachelor of Science in Interior Design at the University of Santo Tomas-Higher of Fine Arts and Design for her tertiary education.  Her areas of interest and research are histories of countries, style, and its development and sustainability.

Ivhan Miles Southward. Yumang, Senior High Schoolhouse—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Ivhan Miles S. Yumang is a graduate of the Music, Arts, and Design (MAD) Runway of the Academy of Santo Tomas-Senior High Schoolhouse. He is an incoming Available of Fine Arts (Major in Advertising Arts) educatee of the College of Fine Arts and Design of the Academy of Santo Tomas. His areas of research interest comprise psychology, environmental sciences, geosciences, arts and design, civilization, and philosophy.  As an art and blueprint student, his innate creativity and wandering curiosity led him to wider opportunities and involvement in other fields that offer a broader cognition and expertise in arts and design.

Mary Angel Adelle B. Dizon, Senior High School—University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Mary Angel Adelle B. Dizon is a graduate of the Academy of Santo Tomas-Senior Loftier School nether the Music, Arts, and Design (MAD) Track. She will be studying Blitheness and Concept Art for her collegiate degree at Data and Communications Technology Academy. Being in the art manufacture for years, she has a long-standing interest in the human relationship between arts and sociology.

Zeth Maverick Y. Chua, Senior High School—Academy of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Zeth Maverick Y. Chua is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas-Senior Loftier School. He is accepted for his tertiary level at the University of Santo Tomas-College of Fine Arts and Design under Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Advertising Arts program. Having been affiliated with the Music, Arts, and Design (MAD) Track, his research interests are music, arts, and literature.

Juland D. Salayo, Senior High School—Academy of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippine

Juland D. Salayo teaches English and Research at the University of Santo Tomas (Senior High School) – Manila. He finished his Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education (English) and Master's in Educational Management from Southern Luzon Country University (Lucban, Quezon) and Polytechnic University of Philippines.  He is currently writing his dissertation for his Doctor of Philosophy in English Education degree at the Philippine Normal University-Manila. His enquiry interests include critical language educational activity, sociolinguistics, stylistics analysis, and language education.


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How to Cite

Lainez, B. Eastward. 5., Dolendo, R. D. R., Agonoy, J. M. R. D., Bargo, R. Thou. B., Yumang, I. M. S., Dizon, M. A. A. B., Chua, Z. K. Y., & Salayo, J. D. (2021). Arts in Scientific discipline: 'Painting' Wellness Centrolineal Senior High School Students' Meaningful Learning Date. Utamax : Periodical of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 3(2), 58-67. https://doi.org/10.31849/utamax.v3i2.6471


Source: https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/UTAMAX/article/view/6471

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